キャンピングカー&トラベルトレーラー専門店のトイファクトリー フィアットプロフェッショナル正規販売ディーラー

YouTube movie

New movies are being released one after another on the TOY-FACTORY YouTube channel!

“Toy-Factory Fujii’s VanLife! Work and Play Travel” is a movie that closely follows the travels of Toy-Factory’s president Fujii, who enjoys real van life.
More videos are being released, such as “Shikoku Kyushu Edition” and “Hokkaido Edition”!

▼Shikoku Kyushu Editionhttps ://youtu.be/r086pDRFTxg

▼Hokkaido Edition (Part 1) https://youtu.be/LWEPclVrfAw

▼Hokkaido Edition (Part 2) https://youtu.be/MxnrNvaH8ag

We will continue to update videos on the TOY-FACTORY YouTube channel, so please subscribe to our channel !

[Click here for the TOY-FACTORY YouTube channel]

